insurance against sickness and unemployment 疾病和失业保险
…病;…症 a particular type of illness or disease
altitude/travel/radiation, etc. sickness 高原病、旅行眩晕、辐射病等
恶心;呕吐 the feeling that you are likely to vomit (= bring food back up from the stomach to the mouth) ; the fact of vomiting
symptoms include sickness and diarrhoea 症状包括呕吐和腹泻
The sickness passed off after a while. 过了一会儿,就不觉得恶心了。
悲伤;失望;厌恶;反感 a feeling of great sadness, disappointment or disgust
sickness 疾病,不健康
When he returned, he noticed their sickness and prepared an antidote. 他回来后注意到了他们的病状,于是配制了解毒剂。
27 million working days are lost each year due to work accidents and sickness 每年有2,700万个工作日因为工作事故和病假而损失掉了。
Think carefully before you insure against accident, sickness and redundancy 在为意外事故、疾病与失业投保之前一定要考虑清楚。
The contributions employees pay give cover against sickness, including chronic invalidity 员工的定期缴款用来支付生病的花费,包括长期病残的开销。
The official reason given for the President's absence was sickness. 对外公布的总统未到场原因是身体有恙。
I think all of us need to rethink our attitudes toward health and sickness. 我想我们都需要反思自己对待健康和疾病的态度。
I was afraid the sickness had sapped my strength 我担心患病已让我元气大伤。
There appears to be another outbreak of sickness among seals in the North Sea. 看来北海的海豹又要爆发另一场疾病了。
He felt a great rush of sickness 他忽然觉得非常想吐。
After a while, the sickness gradually passed and she struggled to the mirror. 过了一会儿,她渐渐不那么恶心了,挣扎着到了镜子前。
When everybody speaks against a person, it will make him tired of life [ frightened to death].; A thousand pointing fingers accuse, and a man dies even without a sickness.; It is dangerous to incur public wrath. 千夫所指,无病而死。
To help comrades who have made mistakes, we should adopt the approach of “ curing the sickness to save the patient ”. 要以“治病救人”的态度帮助犯错误的同志。
He is seized with a painful sickness. 他得了一种痛苦的疾病。
Fever indicates sickness. 身体发烧表明有病。
The boy refuses to go to school on [ under] the pretext of illness [ an ailment, sickness]. 这孩子装病不去上学。
Sunshine, fresh air, and rest often accelerate a person's recovery from sickness. 阳光、新鲜空气以及休息往往可使病人尽快康复。