requirement,condition,prerequisite,criterion,sine qua non
I was terrible at school and left with few academic qualifications 我的学习成绩一塌糊涂,离校时几乎没有学历。
It's a case of not what you know but who you know in this world today and qualifications quite go by the board. 在当今这个世界,重要的不是你知道什么而是你认识谁,能力才干根本派不上用场。
Their lack of qualifications condemned them to a lifetime of boring, usually poorly-paid work 没有学历使他们一辈子都得从事枯燥乏味而且通常报酬很低的工作。
To hell with grades and qualifications. 让分数和资格证书都见鬼去吧。
She kept on at him to get some qualifications. 她不停跟他说,让他去考取一些资格证书。
He left school with no qualifications 他没有获得任何学历证书便离开了学校。
Schools allowed the mass of children to leave school at 16 with poor qualifications. 学校允许大部分考试成绩差的学生16岁时毕业离校。
We're looking for people who have experience rather than paper qualifications. 我们要找有经验的人,而不是有文凭的人。
There's a perennial shortage of teachers with science qualifications. 有理科教学资格的老师一直都很短缺。
They will be encouraged to mix academic A-levels with vocational qualifications 将鼓励他们在取得优秀学习成绩的同时也要获得一定的职业资质。
Lucy wants to study medicine but needs more qualifications. 露西希望学医,但是需要通过更多的资格考试。
Responsibility and reliability are necessary qualifications 有责任感、值得信赖是必备的素质。
The empirical evidence considered here is subject to many qualifications 此处提及的实验证据有诸多限制条件。
I felt intellectually superior despite — shock horror — my lack of qualifications. 我觉得自己比别人聪明,尽管,天啊,我没有什么资历。
The number of young people obtaining qualifications has remained static or decreased 获得资格证的年轻人数量一直维持不变或出现下降。
Mark joined as an office boy at the age of fourteen with no academic qualifications as such at all 马克在14岁的时候以勤杂员的身份进入公司,他当时根本就没有任何学历。
Most vacancies are at senior level, requiring appropriate qualifications. 大多数空缺属于高层职位,要求具备相应的资历。
What qualifications do you have for department store work? 你有什么适于百货店工作的资历吗?
I don't any better qualifications for a friend and companion. 我不知道,作为一个朋友和伴侣,还有什么比这更好的品质。
I felt terribly insecure when I arrived at ARL because of my lack of qualifications. 我到海军部心里感到非常不踏实,因为我没有学历。
Of course, she has no medical qualifications to make that kind of judgement. 当然,她没有医药方面的资格作出那种判断。
This is because your recent studies and qualifications are the most relevant to an employer. 这是因为你最近的学习和资格对雇主来说是最密切相关的!
I feel that I have the necessary qualifications. 我觉得我有必要的资格。
Now I have an opportunity to explore jobs that better suit my qualifications and interests. 被开除对我来说是因祸得福。现在我有机会去寻找最符合我条件和兴趣的工作了。
RIF issues the international information magazine and works on the development of the international rules and international qualifications. RIF发行国际的数据杂志和工厂在国际的规则发展上和国际的资格。
I only had the minimum qualifications, but luck was with me. 我只具有最起码的资格,但我侥幸成功了。
If relevant add any qualifications and websites that you have. 如果相关的话,添加你所具有的任何资历和网站。
Salary according to qualifications and experience. 视资历和经验而定的薪水。
I will accurately identify my coaching qualifications, expertise, experience, certifications and ICF Credentials. 我将准确地说明我的教练资格、专业知识和经验、证书和ICF的认证。
My resume shows that I have the right qualifications for the job. 我的简历表明我正符合这项工作的条件。