百分比用文字表示为twenty-five per cent,用数字表示为25%。 Percentages (= numbers of per cent) are written in words as twenty-five per cent and in figures as 25% .
百分比与不可数名词或单数名词连用时,动词一般为单数: If a percentage is used with an uncountable or a singular noun the verb is generally singular.
90% of the land is cultivated. 90%的土地已耕种。
如果是单数集合名词,北美英语动词用单数,英国英语用单、复数均可: If the noun is singular but represents a group of people, the verb is singular in NAmE but in BrE it may be singular or plural.
Eighty per cent of the work force is/are against the strike. 百分之八十的劳动力都反对这次罢工。
如果名词为复数,动词用复数: If the noun is plural, the verb is plural.