It's a very nice song. Catchy, and inoffensive. 这是首挺不错的歌,朗朗上口又不难听。
'He's a mild inoffensive man isn't he? — Oh you've gotta be kidding.' “他是个温和、没有恶意的人,不是吗?”——“啊,你不是开玩笑吧。”
Time and time again the inoffensive and the weak have been walked over by the strong. 不害人的人与弱者一次又一次被强者抢先。
No people in history have ever survived who thought they could protect their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies. 历史上以为用温情讨好敌人就能保护自由的人,断无得以生存。
The chocolate was inoffensive, for Villefort felt no effects. 那杯巧克力并不是毒药,维尔福先生喝了以后并没有不良反应。
Large inoffensive chiefly nocturnal ungulate of tropical America and southeast Asia having a heavy body and fleshy snout. 热带美洲和东南亚大型不伤害人、主要在夜间活动的有蹄类动物,体重、嘴部肉质丰满。
I love each innoxious and inoffensive leaf, no matter it is green, red, or golden 我爱每一片无毒无害的叶子,无论是绿的、红的、还是金黄的
Just completely inoffensive to my ears, which makes the R03 an especially well-rounded earphone. 一点也不伤害我的耳朵,R03是一个特别完美的耳机。
He seemed like a quiet, inoffensive sort of a guy-someone you couldn't object to. 他看上去像一个安静随和的人&一个你不会反感的人。
A refreshing and inoffensive stimulant 能提神而无害的兴奋剂
He is a mild, inoffensive man. 他是一个善良、不惹人讨厌的人。
He's an inoffensive little fellow. 他是个随和的小家伙。
The joke was pretty inoffensive. 这一玩笑是善意的。
He's such an inoffensive little man. 他是个无足轻重的小老头。
His face habitually held an expression which was mild and inoffensive, almost apologetic. 他的脸上经常带着温和的、宽厚的、类乎歉意的表情。
A quiet inoffensive man; a refreshing inoffensive stimulant. 一个彬彬有礼的人;能提神而无害的兴奋剂。
English bees are gentle and inoffensive creatures. 英国蜜蜂是一种温顺的、不伤害人的生物。
Her husband turned out to be an inoffensive little man. 她丈夫原来是个随和的小男人。
Interrogation and check is an intermediate behavior between inoffensive investigation and compulsory investigation. 盘查系介于任意性调查行为与强制性调查行为之间的中间行为。
All are inoffensive as opposed to products of methane, carbon dioxide formed under strictly anaerobic conditions. 这些都没有毒性,这与严格地在厌氧条件下形成的甲烷、二氧化碳的情况相反。
Morally respectable or inoffensive. 道德上值得尊敬的或不冒犯别人的。
And lastly, human-cloning breaches 3-principles of ethnics ( inoffensive principle, just principle and independent principle). 最后,克隆人违背了伦理学三原则即不伤害原则、公正原则、自主原则。
Inoffensive Treatment of Gum Dipping Wastewater 浸胶废水的工艺改造
Because of the warm climatic conditions, which suitable for vegetation to grow, mountains are covered by year-round dense vegetation; bring quiet, simple, inoffensive aesthetic sense. 桂林由于自然气候条件温暖,适宜植被生长,所以终年有茂密的植被覆盖山体,给人带来宁静、质朴、与世无争的审美感受。
These words are divided into inoffensive core words and containing offensive core word. 这些词语又分为无攻击性核心词和含攻击性核心词。