He was infamous for his anti-feminist attitudes. 他因反对女性主义而声名狼藉。
It was infamous as a kingdom of brigands, scoundrels, and slave-traders. 该地区因土匪、无赖和奴隶贩子猖獗而声名狼藉。
Bronka is somewhat infamous for his screeching electric guitar work. 布朗卡因为弹出刺耳的电吉他声而有些让人讨厌。
I am no stranger to the particulars of your youngest sister's infamous elopement. 别以为我不知道你那个小妹妹不要脸私奔的事。
One day an infamous young warrior arrived at the village. 一天一个臭名昭著的年轻武士来到了这个村庄。
The Dust Bowl that affected the prairie regions of the United States was one infamous drought. 沙尘天气波及到了美国的大草原地区,造成了十分严重的旱灾。
She is studying the now infamous garbage patch in the North Pacific gyre in the Pacific Ocean. 戈尔茨坦研究了漂浮在北太平洋环流系统的臭名昭著的垃圾岛。
Alongside the tourist shops and museums, though, stand several infamous ghost stories related to the witch trials. 除了游客商店和博物馆之外,此处还有数个与巫婆审判有关的邪恶的鬼故事。
Many of you have heard of the infamous airline that invited travelers to fly'naked '. 你们中的许多人听说过臭名昭著的航空公司,邀请旅客飞'裸'。
A king infamous for his cruelty. 以残暴而臭名远扬的国王。
This actor is infamous for his bad temper. 这位演员以他的坏脾气闻名。
I was shocked by her infamous behavior. 我对她的无耻行为大为震惊。
I said two or three amusing things and Mr. Holder made a few infamous puns. 我讲了两、三件有趣的小事,霍尔德先生说了几句不很高明的双关语。
Arthur Tress photographed his phallic fantasies on the infamous neglected piers in the vicinity of his New York studio. 特雷斯还在他摄影室附近一些被忽略的码头和桥墩等地,表现他对生殖器的崇拜。
I guess there are some similarities with the infamous "case" interviews that strategy consultancies give. 我猜这和战略顾问提供的声名狼藉的“案例”有点像。
Reference to elite persons: Stories concerned with the rich, powerful, famous and infamous get more coverage. 精英人士参考:故事的丰富,功能强大,有名的和无名获得更多的有关报道。
Without a doubt, Lincoln's assassination is the most infamous political murder in United States history. 毫无疑问,刺杀林肯是美国历史上最臭名昭著的政治谋杀案。
Nobody likes his because he is an infamous liar. 没有喜欢他,因为他个声名狼籍的骗子。
Among anime fans the company is infamous for its heavy editing of series such as One Piece; 在众多动漫爱好者中,该公司声誉欠佳,因为他对很多动画(比如《海贼王》)的剧情进行了大量的修改;
How shameless! That becauses of the infamous Wenqiang gave her backing! 太无耻了,还不是因为有臭名昭著的文强在后面给她撑腰!
Oh, if God made me suffer like that it's infamous. 噢,如果上帝让我遭受这样的苦难,他就是无耻的。
Did she show that infamous letter to you? 她给你看了那封不名誉的信了吗?
There is an infamous one relating to OLE and the resource section. 一个很有名的是关于对象链接和嵌入以及资源段。
But she has also proven herself a fine dramatic actress in movies like "Crash", and" Infamous ". 但是她也在其他影片中展现了自己优秀的演技,例如电影《撞车》和《声名狼藉》。
The Supreme Warlord promulgated his infamous "scorched earth" directive. 这位最高统帅公布了他那臭名昭著的实行焦土政策的指示。
This, then, was my grandmother at the time of the infamous pea incident. 就在奶奶住在我们家时发生了豌豆事件,一件让我耻辱的事。
Now the division was about to become infamous. 现在,这个部门就要变得臭名远扬了。
I wondered now as I sat down beside him what infamous thing Tom had done. 我在他身旁坐下,猜想汤姆准是又干了什么声名狼籍的丑事。
Also to let you know, you are infamous on west and infamous within the Chinese circle at Duke. 同时也让你知道,你在西方学生和圈子和中国学生的圈子都已经臭了。
When he announced that his next project would be a musical about the infamous Moulin Rouge. 当他宣布下一个关于声明狼籍的《红磨坊》音乐喜剧计划时。
late Middle English: from medieval Latin infamosus, from Latin infamis(based on famafame)